Uke Navigator Blog
You’ll find lots of helpful tips about learning to play the ukulele as well as insights about practice, equipment, and music theory. From fundamentals to fingerstyle, we’ll explore it all!
Barre Chord Cheat Sheet
Barre chords are always a challenge for beginning and improving players. We all go through this time of buzzes and thuds! With a little practice and some simple exercises you'll find that barre chords on the ukulele are within your reach.
Tips for Smoother Chord Changes
Changing chords can be quite challenging for a beginning uke player but there are a few strategies you can try to make those changes smoother and easier.
Intervals, Sharps, and Flats
Intervals, the distance between notes, help us to understand why there are sharps and flats. Once you know how it works, it's no longer a mystery!